Bartitsu featured in new BBC TV documentary
The hour-long documentary Everybody was Kung Fu Fighting: the Rise of the Martial Arts in Britain premieres on BBC4 at 10.00 pm on Sunday, Feb. 24th. Charting the cultural impact of the Asian martial arts in the United Kingdom, it begins with a 12-minutes section on E.W. Barton-Wright’s Bartitsu cross-training system and the jujitsu-trained Bodyguard unit of the British Suffragettes.
Forteza Bartitsu instructor Tony Wolf was interviewed for the documentary, which also features Edwardian-era “antagonistics” displays by British Bartitsu instructors James Marwood and George Stokoe:
Please note that, because of BBC licence restrictions, the documentary and promotional clips are only intended to be viewable by people within the UK.
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